Evergreen ParkElementary School District 124


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Departments » Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness

At Evergreen Park School District 124, we believe that the foundation for a successful and fulfilling life begins with a healthy mind and body. Our commitment to the well-being of our students extends beyond the classroom, and this webpage serves as a gateway to a world of resources dedicated to promoting health, happiness, and overall wellness.

Here, we embrace the idea that fostering healthy habits from an early age sets the stage for a lifetime of well-rounded living. Our goal is to provide a supportive environment where students can not only excel academically but also thrive physically, emotionally, and socially.

We invite parents, guardians, teachers, and, of course, our students to actively engage with the content shared here. Together, we can cultivate a culture of wellness that extends from the classroom to the home and beyond.

Health Staff

The health staff plays a vital role in ensuring the well-being of both students and staff members. Each building is equipped with a school nurse who serves as the primary healthcare professional, responsible for addressing immediate health concerns, administering medications, and managing students with chronic health conditions. They also collaborate with teachers and parents to develop health plans and provide health education.  In addition, the District has a Nurse Coordinator who monitors the district health programs and requirements set forth by federal, state, and local guidelines.   

Health Requirements 

Pre-Kindergarten/Early Childhood
  • Certificate of Child Health Exam with all required immunizations completed within 1 year of enrollment.
  • Certificate of Child Health Exam with all required immunizations completed within 1 year of the 1st day of Kindergarten.
  • Dental Exam
  • Eye Exam

2nd Grade
  • Dental Exam

6th Grade
  • Certificate of Child Health Exam with all required immunizations completed within 1 year of the 1st day of 6th grade.
  • Dental Exam

New/Transfer Students
  • IL Certificate of Child Health Exam and required immunizations per grade level.
  • All transfer students from out of state require an eye exam.
  • If Kindergarten, 2nd, or 6th grade, they must comply with above requirements.
***Any 6-8th grade student who plans on trying out for a school sport is required to have the IHSA Medical Eligibility and Physical Form and Concussion Consent Form completed and returned to the coach and/or health office prior to tryouts.  


District Community Leadership Team (DCLT)

District 124 is continuing its commitment to provide more effective social-emotional and behavioral health in schools. The DCLT team was created last school year as a result of a federal grant. This team is made up of district and building administrators and community partners. These partnerships include, The Center For Self-Actualization, Evergreen Park Library, K12 Systems Change Solutions, The Urban Barn at James J. Sexton Park, and SXU Birth to Three Program. The team meets bi-monthly to analyze data and trends, identify barriers, and intentionally integrate mental health and wellness supports across the district.  
These partnerships have brought much needed support and services to the students and families of Evergreen Park. Our partnership with the Center For Self Actualization had afforded D124 another year of therapists in each of our five schools. Identified through our multi-tiered system of support (MTSS), we continue to offer individual and group counseling to students throughout the school day. This service has provided a much needed layer of support to our students struggling with social emotional and behavioral needs. If you would like more information, please contact Rebecca Tyrrell, Director of Student Support Services at (708) 423-0950.  
Last school year, the Evergreen Park Library prioritized academic support and access for our students. With grant monies, they were able to offer an online tutoring program through BrainFuse and provide all Central Middle School student’s with library cards. In addition, the library hosted various parent programming opportunities.  With collaboration from the Center For Self Actualization, licensed therapists conducted parent workshops on various mental health topics. This school year, the library will focus on expanding the youth library with SEL books, parent programming opportunities, and access to library cards to all D124 students. Please visit Evergreenparklibrary.org for more information on resources and programs.  

Parent and Staff Coaching Opportunities

New this school year is our partnership with ParentGuidance.org. ParentGuidance.org is a comprehensive solution for schools that helps create a productive culture around mental health by engaging a new ally in this escalating challenge: PARENTS. Its components include on-demand parent courses, informational resources, monthly mental health webinars, and 1:1 parent or staff coaching.    

Parent and staff coaching is NOW available to any D124 parent/guardian or staff member who is experiencing mental health challenges at home or school. Coaching is individualized support and resources, connecting parents with a coach and therapist to help navigate the ups and downs of the most difficult mental health challenges. This resource is FREE, ANONYMOUS, and CONFIDENTIAL. The goal is to reduce the stigma and provide the tools and tips for success at home and work. Click here to register for support from a coach and/or see the attached flyer for more information on Parent Coaching.