D124 Strategic Plan Vision and Strategic Goals - 2024-25
The mission and vision of D124 are captured in the long-range strategic plan developed by the Board of Education and the School Community. As a district, we are committed to:
Creating an environment of collaboration between all students and stakeholders, valuing the unique perspectives of our diverse community of learners
Implementing high-quality instruction, curriculum, and assessment that increases student learning
Investing in quality staff, facilities, technology, and programs within the scope of fiscal responsibilities to maximize and sustain student achievement
Inspiring students to create, innovate and collaborate globally in order to prepare them for dynamic and unprecedented opportunities that await citizens of the 21st Century
Providing facilities and sites that have a continuous improvement program incorporating modern teaching and learning initiatives
In early 2022, Evergreen Park School District began a process to establish a strategic plan to guide decision making in the district for the next three years.
Determining the vision of a school district provides a sense of purpose and direction, allowing for a common and collaborative process to continuous improvement. Strategic planning provides an opportunity to define the long-term goals that guide organizational change and to establish a vision and path for the future.
Work was completed in a community-centered process that focused on a collective vision for the future of our school district. Fifty-one community and staff members, together with the seven members of our board of education, developed this plan and determined the priorities for D124. This was an incredibly collaborative process, where we were able to hear directly from our community about priorities and the needs facing our staff and students every day.
Based on input and information from the community-focused process, our new strategic plan addresses goals in five areas:
Curriculum and Instruction
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Student Support Services
Each area contains several goals and milestones that will inform the work of our school district and will result in a variety of initiatives including the formation of committees, changes in curriculum and programming, and other work.
This plan is the culmination of the Evergreen Park community coming together to do what’s best for kids in our schools. Teachers, parents, staff members, community members, and district leaders worked together to develop this plan with the success of our students as the number one priority.
The district will provide updates on progress and initiatives of the strategic plan regularly through email newsletters, website updates, social media, and more.