Evergreen Park School District 124 recognizes the critical relationship between health and learning. "You cannot educate a child who is not healthy, and you cannot keep a child healthy who is not educated."-Jocelyn Elders MD, former Surgeon General
The health offices are staffed by a full-time Health Aide and 2 circulating District Registered Nurses. At Evergreen Park School District 124, the School Nurses and Health Aides strive to ensure students’ physical, emotional and mental health needs are met.
Health Forms
IL Child Health Exam Form Mandated physical form to be completed by physician for entrance into Preschool, Kindergarten, 6th grade and first time entry into School District 124.
Eye Exam Report Form Required for Kindergarten and new students to the state of Illinois.
Medication Authorization Form Required for all medication (including over-the-counter) to be administered during school hours per School District 124 and State of Illinois policy.
Inhaler Self Administration Form To be completed for inhalers carried by students accompanied by a copy of the prescription label.
Asthma Action Plan To be completed for students with Asthma, accompanied by Medication Authorization form (e.g. inhaler) and/or the Inhaler Self Administration Form.
Public Act 097-0910 requires that on or before December 1 of each year, every public school district and registered nonpublic school shall make publicly available the immunization data they are required to submit to the State Board of Education by November 15.
On the IHSA website, a video on hands-only cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automated external defibrillators is posted. We encourage parents and staff to view it. Please click here to access the IHSA website with more information. The CPR video is below.